Use the code at the bottom of the page to get £5 off at Trainpal (minimum spend £5.01) (new accounts).
This offer works for new accounts only.
🗓️ Offer will end at 11.59pm on Tuesday 31 December, or when 10,000 codes have been claimed, whichever’s first
Code courtesy of MSE.
📲 Download and sign up to the TrainPal app (it’s free).
🚫 Make sure you’ve never purchased anything from TrainPal before.
🔑 Enter the code MSE5OFF in the ‘Promo code (optional)’ box if prompted during sign-up.
🏠 Sign in and go to the ‘Account’ tab.
🎟️ Tap ‘Promo Codes’ and enter MSE5OFF in the ‘Enter code’ box.
💷 Your £5 voucher will appear below.
🚉 Choose a train ticket costing £5.01 or more.
💵 Your £5 voucher should be automatically deducted. If not, tap ‘Voucher’ and select the offer.
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