Shop the Big Winter Clearance at SAIL Canada and save up to 50% off a wide variety of items. Save on Outdoor Gear, Camping, Fishing, Hunting, styles for Men, Women, Kids, and more. Sale prices are as marked, and here are some of the savings available:
- Columbia Adventure Ride Snow Bib Kids $54.99 (reg. $109.99, save 50%)
- Borealis Bliss Womenβs Cross Country Pants $44.99 (reg. $119.99, save 62%)
- Borealis Skylight Ski Pants Menβs $36 (reg. $119.99, save 69%)
- Columbia Bugaboo Snow Pants Kids $59.99 (reg. $119.99, save 50%)
- SAIL Manual Ice Auger 6in $52 (reg. $129.99, save 59%)
- Borealis Bella Womenβs Cross Country Jacket $49.99 (reg. $139.99, save 64%)
- Karhu Fashion Snowshoes β Unisex $79.99 (reg. $159.99, save 50%)
- The North Face Brand Proud T-Shirt β Womenβs $29.99 (reg. $49.99, save 40%)
- Borealis Clermont Parka Womenβs $99.99 (reg. $329.99, save 69%)
- The North Face Gotham Down Parka β Womenβs $174.99 (reg. $349.99, save 50%)
- Helly Hansen Elements Snow Pants β Boys $85 (reg. $170, save 50%)
- Columbia Adventure Ride Snow Bib Toddler $49.99 (reg. $99.99, save 50%)
- Keen Anchorage III Winter Boots β Menβs $119.99 (reg. $199.99, save 40%)
Click here to shop the Winter Clearance at SAIL Canada.Β
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